Cloud GR!P
Cloud Security & Governance is about getting a grip on your Cloud environment. Gain a grip, but most of all maintain a grip.
Your total solution, our flagship. That’s Cloud GR!P. Specially designed Cloud Security Governance programs to get and keep your Cloud environment compliant.
A structural solution to a complex problem. Create order, peace and structure through our unique system. Scalable for any organization, from start-up to corporate.
But how does that work? Our “Find, Fix, Forward” approach consists of 3 phases, each of which we complete systematically and with military precision. After this, you can proceed on your own as an organization. That’s the goal. And after that, we just keep watching over you.

Without insight and oversight of your Cloud environment, a solid plan can never be made. So the first step is to map everything out completely.
Inventory, structure and control information and documentation. The result is a validated baseline in terms of security status.
What is right, and what is wrong. This is now clear.
Now that we know where we stand, it’s time to close the gaps. We will work toward the desired level of compliance. Therefore, this phase of the program is the most intensive.
Tedious decisions may have to be made. But this is necessary to complete the mission successfully. A process in which, of course, we fully support you.
After all, ensuring the safety and continuity of your organization is now the high priority.
At this stage, we are past the peak. Peace of mind begins to take hold. The mission is over, right? Almost, however, because we’re not done yet.
The environment is in place, processes are set up, and your staff has had the necessary training. You are “In Control” again, and your organization can now work on its own. We are redundant as of this moment. Mission accomplished.
In addition to the 3 phases, the program further consists of a number of fixed components, and optional modules. The permanent components consist of the Trusted Partnership, and the Documentation System.
Trusted Partnership
We continue to monitor and support you. And, that includes unannounced spot checks. And that’s just one of the many benefits of the Trusted Partnership.
Ensuring quality and compliance
Knowledge sessions and updates for staff
Advice from experts and consultants
This component can also be purchased separately as a service. Please inquire about options for your organization.
Documentation System
The foundation of any security program is based on the documentation system. This is where we keep all documents and information. Structured, centralized and uncluttered. Your compliance tool for the future.
Based on the industry-leading ISO27001 standard
Suitable for any environment (Confluence/O365)
This component can also be purchased separately. Please inquire about options for your organization.
The structure of this program is fully expandable with multiple modules as desired. For example, consider a Vulnerability Assessment, or additional Cybersecurity Training for your staff. Or an ISO27001 certification for your organization as a crowning achievement?
Contact us today to discuss your situation.